Sunday, July 15, 2007

A Weekend of Rest and Art

Steve was gone all weekend on a camping trip. I spent the last few days doing all sorts of fun things, like thrift store shopping, seeing Harry Potter, gardening, making homemade bath salts, and painting.

I have been teaching myself how to paint with oils for the last year or two, and I love it. It's such a wonderful, restful activity. I haven't had time or energy to paint in the last few months, so with all this free time, I sort of went buck wild. I set up a mini studio on the porch, which worked out well. That is until a random old man passing by on the sidewalk stopped for this lovely conversation.

Old Man: painting over there?

Me: Yup.

Old Man: Bet you're real good. Bet it's real nice.
Me: Thanks.

Old Man: Bet it's as nice you.

Me: (pause) Thanks.
Old Man: You look real pretty today.

Me: (silence)

Yay. Do NOT get me started on the frustrations of pleasant conversations with strangers turning into creepy, inappropriate interactions.

The rest of my painting session was quite fun, and a much needed time of soul restoration. Here's what I created...
"Wine and Glass"
"Martini with an Olive"
"Azure Horizon"
"Tree of Hope"
The first two are part of my Drinks Series, which I plan to add a few more pieces to later. The other two, Azure Horizon and Tree of Hope are more meaningful, and both capture some significant parts of me and my life. I currently have all sorts of painting projects in my head, so hopefully I'll be able to do more soon. You can find other paintings here.


  1. My favorite is the "Azure Horizon." I used to love painting too. So relaxing and cathartic.

    We love indy paintings, so if some day for Christmas or something you want to paint us one... I'm just giving you the hint. We only have one from Sam's sister so far...


    Glad you had a good weekend inspite of the creepy odl guy!!

  2. didn't know you had that artistic talent! i like the man in the box. keep at it.

  3. If you put a price tag on it, I'd buy "Squares in Motion."

    Right now.

