Thursday, July 15, 2010


 I don't actually have a desk chair that looks like this, but wouldn't it be rad if I did?

We're leaving for our little summer vacation this weekend. Yay!

Steve and I are going to spend a few days gallivanting around Southern California wine country, while Steve's parents hang out with our son. This is going to be our first vacation with just the two of us since Aaron was born. We get to stay out late, sleep in till whenever, eat at grown-up only restaurants, and live spontaneously! Can you tell I'm just a tad excited?

After that we'll reconnect with our son and in-laws, and spend a couple of days in Las Vegas. Though the weather will be frighteningly hot, it will surely be lots of fun.

Hopefully when I come back, I will be a more rested, rejuvenated, tan, well-read Larissa. Fare thee well, friends!