Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Lessons in Parenting

For a week and a half while Aaron's preschool was on Easter break, I juggled our two kids full-time.

And I literally mean "juggled." Toting a 3-year-old, an 8-month-old, and all their diapers and sippy cups is the equivalent of carrying around 50-lb. weights. People ask me how I stay in shape, and I say, "Jillian Michaels DVDs," but I actually mean, "My two children."

So then, I am now armed with lots of parenting wisdom, which I will pass off to you.

1. Kids will play peacefully for a maximum of 2 1/2 minutes. After that, crying will begin because someone got hurt or someone needs something.

2. Always carry wipes, band-aids, Purell, and emergency snacks.

3. The moment kids are dressed in their "nice" clothes is the moment juice will spill or poop explosions occur.

4. Pureed sweet potatoes are an acceptable adult lunch.

5. Do not allow glitter in the house. Ever.

6. If you ever have the impression that you have time to take a shower, use the bathroom, or fix yourself a meal, you are about to be proved wrong.

7. Bribery with candy is a fine survival tactic.

8. Don't wear white until your kids grow up and move out.

9. Kids will need the most attention when you are on the phone. That's why texting was invented.

10. The more you are trying to hurry, the more kids will dawdle and get distracted.

11. Daily baths are unnecessary.

12. If one kid is napping, the other kid is awake. They stagger their naps on purpose.

13. It's okay to have "movie day" so you can get things done.

14. No matter how much you vacuum, babies will find tiny, unidentifiable items to stick in their mouths.

15. Stay far away from the toy aisles in Target.

16. Make friends with people who are okay with you showing up late.

17. A messy house, undone dishes, and unkempt hair are allowed.

18. Sometimes parents need a time out.

19. A cardboard box and pens make a great afternoon activity. Finger paint, not so much.

20. Vital parenting tools include: iPhones, a helpful spouse, second (or third) cups of coffee, non-dangly earrings, a good sense of humor.

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Totally related - little E had Spring Break last week and even though he only goes to pre-school for two days a week, a few hours, I realized how precious the time is to me. =)
    As a side note, I made your blondies the other day and they were delish! =)
