Thursday, July 3, 2014

How to Thrive, Stay Sane, and Not Go Ballistic On My Children

I'm temporarily flying solo with the kids all week while Steve is away on a work trip.

Whenever we do this, I have a heightened appreciation and awe for single parents who do this all the time. Seriously, that is another level of superhero. Thankfully, my husband and co-parent promises to return. If at least so we can resume watching 24 together.

But in the meantime, I needed a proactive plan for this week. Because here's the thing: as much as I love my children, being with them non-stop for more than a day can feel like Crazytown. From previous experience, I've learned that some things - meltdowns, the emergence of Dragon Mom, and desperate texts to Steve ("OMG our kids are freaking nuts") - are unavoidable. Nevertheless, there are some things that help me to survive.

How to Thrive, Stay Sane, and Not Go Ballistic On My Children:
  1. Do one activity per day to get out of the house. 
  2. Hang out with friends. Schedule a few play dates, have friends sleep over, talk to people on the phone. Find ways to connect with adults and have real conversations. 
  3. Prepare meals with extras for leftovers ahead of time.
  4. Go out for afternoon ice cream and playtime at McDonald's.
  5. Pull out some "new" toys from storage. 
  6. Eat out or order delivery. Pizza solves lots of problems. 
  7. Borrow books from the library.
  8. Go to the park.
  9. Make popcorn and watch a movie at home.
  10. Get some babysitting help.
  11. Turn on the hose for water play in the front yard.
  12. Extra coffee (for me, not the kids).
Thanks to my friends who gave some great encouragement and tips via Facebook. 

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