Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Reflections on 2009

Holla, 2010. I am ready ready ready to start a brand new year.

Time for my annual end-of-the-year recap (here is
last year's in case you missed it), which was delayed due to a crazy last few days. Hope you all are kicking the new year off with style and flair.

1. What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before?
Gave birth to our son Aaron. If that doesn't qualify as enough of an accomplishment, I also plunged into the housing market, bought a pet fish, transitioned into a new position at work, paid more than $20 for a haircut, and hosted Thanksgiving at our house.

2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Last year I committed to exercising and healthy eating, with the goal of losing my pregnancy weight, which I did (goodbye, 35 pounds!). I also resolved to learn how to be a great parent, which is happening but certainly not finished. For 2010, I am not making any new specific resolutions.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Me...that's as close as one can get, I think. Also, three close friends gave birth. It was the Year of the Baby.

4. Did anyone close to you die?

5. What countries did you visit?

6. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
A house we own, a clothes washer and dryer, and artistic inspiration.

7. What dates from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
May 9
th, the day our son was born.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Incubating a baby in my stomach and then pushing him out into the world.

9. What was your biggest failure?
Moments of impatience, gracelessness, and angry outbursts with strangers.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Post-pregnancy aches and pains, and a few minor colds.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
Suede slouchy boots, hi-def television, and BOB jogging stroller.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
My mom, who persevered through difficult situations at work.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Whoever decided to make Alvin and the Chipmunks: the Squeakquel.

14. Where did most of your money go?
Baby gear.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
The opening of Yard House at LA Live, a mere five minutes from our house (best happy hour EVER). Also, hosting my family for Thanksgiving.

16. What song will always remind you of 2009?
Down, by Jay Sean. That song gets me dancing like an idiot every time.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder?
b) thinner or fatter?
c) richer or poorer?
A lot happier, a lot thinner, and a little bit richer.

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Spend time with friends.

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Dirty dishes.

20. How did you spend Christmas?
We spent Christmas with Steve's side of the family in Lodi, California. Played lots of games, ate tons of food, and enjoyed free around-the-clock babysitting from my in-laws.

21. How did you spend New Year's?
Apart from Steve, who was at a conference in St. Louis. I still had a great time, however, enjoying dinner and games with my in-laws and their friends.

22. Did you fall in love in 2009?
Yes, with my awesome son and ever-increasingly wonderful husband.

23. How many one night stands?

24. What was your favorite TV program?

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?

26. What was the best book you read?
The Poisonwood Bible, by Barbara Kingsolver.

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
I rediscovered the awesomeness of the hip hop genre.

28. What did you want and get?
A smooth delivery and healthy baby. And a little more maturity and wisdom.

29. What did you want and not get?
The perfect haircut.

30. What was your favorite film of this year?

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 28 on January 18th with a raging 80's party. I have great friends who humored me by dressing in their best 80's gear.

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Less friends being financially affected by the crazy economy.

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009?
"Hot Mama" - stylish clothing and accessories able to withstand vast amounts of breastmilk, spit up, and other baby messiness.

34. What kept you sane?
Morning coffee, friends, date nights with my husband, Tivo.

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Anderson Cooper.

36. What political issue stirred you the most?
None...I honestly had little time for politics.

37. Who did you miss?
My siblings and parents (who really need to consider moving closer).

38. Who was the best new person you met?
My son.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009.
Good things can come from unexpected places at unexpected times.

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
"And when the night is cloudy, there is still a light, that shines on me, shine until tomorrow, let it be." (Let It Be, by the Beatles)


  1. That's the biggest achievement EVER for a woman, and the biggest blessing. I'm really happy for you, especially since I can imagine how good of a mom you are, Aaron looks healthy and happy in all the pictures here.:)

    Ps. Jay Sean's Down will always remind me of 2009 too. So is Ke$ha's Tick Tock :p

    Pss. Hiphop is gooooood, you should listen more. And listen to my music LOL

  2. Lovely reflection! Betcha can't wait for Lost to start again...I can't :)

  3. Wonderful reflections for a wonderful year!

    Happy new year! I hope it's started off on the right foot!
