Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My Life in Verbs

Wanting... to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas already. We have a 22-pound turkey thawing in the fridge, just waiting to be roasted to perfection. Mmmm.

Creating... my Amazon Christmas wish list. Is it possible for one to own too many kitchen gadgets or flannel pajama pants? No, I don't think it is.

Reading... The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. I am slowly making my way through this amazing book, and have been trying to convince every other creative friend of mine to do the same. It is that good.

Wondering... how to celebrate my upcoming 30th (THIRTIETH!) birthday in a few months. I seriously need some inspiring ideas. Anyone???

Realizing... that I am a lot more confident and courageous than I used to be. I had a public speaking gig in front of a 100-person audience last week, and had no major emotional meltdowns or desire to run away in fear.

Loving... the advice, wisdom and encouragement of great friends and family. I realize I am biased, but I truly believe I have the best support network in the entire history of the universe.

Anticipating... the midnight showing of Harry Potter at LA Live's premiere theater. I'm all set to go with my friend Ingrid, and will proudly sport my Harry glasses. So excited.

What are you currently doing? Share a verb or two of your own in the comments.


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