Wednesday, August 20, 2014

New Life Rhythms

With all the recent changes in our lives - moving from Los Angeles to Oahu, Aaron starting kindergarten, Alex turning 2 (like Crazy Toddler 2), Steve beginning a new ministry role with InterVarsity - many of our former life rhythms have been disrupted.

Isn't that true of any major transitions? Disruption happens. For a few weeks I've felt frustrated and a bit more on-edge. But then I realized that this presents an opportunity to reinvent and reimagine. I can embrace new habits and rhythms, and enjoy the gradual process of building something that fits our current reality:

Here are a few new rhythms that have been life-giving:
  1. Morning walks with Alex - after we take Aaron to school at 7:30am, we have the whole morning ahead of us. A walk around our very hilly neighborhood provides some good exercise, quiet time, and beautiful views of the island. And really, if I don't exercise in the morning, it just won't happen later because it's way too hot outside.
  2. Rest during Alex's nap time - the fact that Alex naps for about 2 hours in the middle of the day is my saving grace. She's so active, that we both need some rest by around noon. Sometimes I nap, read, cook, or blog - whatever I feel motivated to do that day.
  3. Finding some afternoon activities with the kids - I've been taking them to a nearby park. They both love the playground, and there are usually other kids to interact with. If we're not really feeling the park, then ice cream at Costco or swimming at my parents' pool are good alternatives. The kids are going to start swim classes soon, and Aaron says he wants to take "ninja classes" (meaning karate), so those will be fun weekly activities.
  4. Scheduled phone calls with friends - I am so grateful for a few inner-circle friends who I talk with regularly. They are an incredible gift and life-line, particularly in all of this transition. Just today I caught up with an old friend, and it was such a restorative time for me. 
  5. Connecting with friends nearby - we're grateful to already have friends and family here, and not have to completely start from scratch with community. Reconnecting with various people and hosting gatherings in our home have been joyful moments for us. 


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