Monday, February 29, 2016

10 Things I Learned in February

At the end of each month, I share things that I learned. This habit helps me pay attention to life, myself, and God's presence. It's my way of reflecting and celebrating. It's how I take notice and be present. In no particular order, here are 10 things I learned this month:

1. You are the filter for your life. 

You decide what is nourishing and good for you, and what is toxic and unhelpful. No one but you can filter those things in and out.

2. My daughter is a watercolor artist. 

Alexandra (3 years) loves painting, and has amassed a collection of beautiful artwork. I love seeing her enjoy art creation so much. If you're interested in purchasing prints, postcards, or other items that feature her art, you can visit her online shop. Proceeds go toward funding my children's art supplies and goldfish cracker addictions.

3. I love using the Bullet Journal system. 

It's a very simple method of logging, listing, and scheduling. The method is also very customizable, so I've learned how to make it work best for my own needs. My own journal is a collection of lists, to-dos, dinner planning, and weekly calendars. 

4. No drinking coffee after noon. 

I have made this mistake several times, and always, always regret it when I cannot fall asleep at night. 

5. People need to have their pain acknowledged.

I've seen this to be true with my kids as well as adults. When people experience pain, sadness, or anger, there is a great need to have those feelings seen and acknowledged by someone else. And that can give way to relief and healing.

6. We have an almost 1-year old in the house.

Aria is 11 months old, and sporting a very funny new-teeth grin.

7. I'm going to miss the Crawley family.

Downton Abbey came to an end. I haven't seen the two-hour finale yet, but I'm already feeling a sense of mourning. Goodbye, dear Downton.

8. Purposefully beginning my day with a quiet moment with God changes everything.

This month I began every day with a brief minute or two of prayer. Before turning on my phone, checking email, or getting out of bed, I turned to God with this invitation, "I am here, Lord. Speak to me." As I did this, I became aware of God's presence in a way that really shaped the rest of the day.

9. Homemade chicken nachos.

We had this a few nights ago, and it was a hit.

10. I'm still learning how to have good rhythms of work and rest. 

With a new job, evolving responsibilities, and changing projects, I am readjusting how I craft my day. I need a lot of self-care these days. I prefer not to have more than two meetings in any given day. Doing a "reset" of the house at night makes my mornings feel less overwhelming.

What about you, friend? What did you learn this month?


  1. Stopping by from Emily's link up... Wise wisdom about being your own filter || YES, &YES||... you and I both found photo beauty in back lit sun on winter grasses this month, love that!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Lisa. I love your grass photo as well!

  2. I love those watercolors! I'm bummed I can't buy a print to hang on my wall somewhere, I will never wear it as a shirt.


    1. Hey! You can purchase prints in the store...just click on "available products" and you should see prints and postcards included there.
